Friday, March 25, 2011

Week of March 28

Math:    Continue reviewing for Math TAKS test ( estimation, multiplication and division, patterns)
Reading:    Summarizing text
Writing:   Students work on a persuasive writing piece and begin to be exposed to poetry.
Social Studies:   Begin a unit on economics.  Continuing to learn the 30 states third grade students are required to know. Quiz on Friday.
Science:    Finish planet project , learn about living and non-living things and organisms competition for survival.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week of Feb. 7 - 11

Math:    Lessons on range, reasonableness and area.

Reading:    Inferring in nonfiction text

Writing:  Informational writing

Social Studies and Science:   Students finish preparing research on natural hazards and make an oral group presentation. Make a graph from high and low temperatures collected last week. Lessons on the water cycle and clouds.

Spelling:    Test on Friday

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

Math :   Graphing
Reading:   Inferring word meaning 
Writing:   Students work on drafts of informational (expository) writing
Science and Social Studies:   Weather and natural hazards  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week of Jan. 18-21

Math :   Comparing Fractions and Equivalent Fractions
Reading:   Drawing conclusions, inferring, determining author’s purpose in nonfiction reading. Discussing test taking strategies beneficial when reading a passage and answering questions.
Writing:   Finish New Year’s Resolution writing. Continue analyzing informational texts in order to prepare students for writing their own piece.
Science and Social Studies:   Renewable and nonrenewable resources